Every time we get into the car Holly wants to hear the Umbrella song. After she's done singing Sienna claps and says, Funny Holly. I love these girls!!
Every time we get into the car Holly wants to hear the Umbrella song. After she's done singing Sienna claps and says, Funny Holly. I love these girls!!
I love my girls too! And I had to find out that I'm having another niece by checking your blog?? Just kidding. Mom told me yesterday. Congratulations!
The video of Holly had me crying I was laughing so hard. Especially when she puts her hand up to the camera!
Julie! Congratulations! I knew it was another girl. Lucky you! Your girls are too cute, I love it!!
Julie, another girl?? That is so funny! My sis has 4 boys. I love that video, that is so cute. You look like you are such a cute mom, I'm excited to join the club!
WOOOOO! Well, what's one more girl?? I'm so stinkin happy for you guys...what is dan thinking? Was he routing for a boy or does he care? I love that I can hear all about your life through the blog! hugs
A GIRL!! I thought for sure it would be a boy...dangit! BUT YEA, ANOTHER GIRL! That video was fetching funny. I loved it!
Julie- CONGRATS! I am so excited that you told us... There would be no way I could ever keep that big of a secret- I don't know how some people do it! That video is sooooo funny. Holly is hillarious! She is going to make you millions some day- she will for sure be a super star!!!
Hey Julie- can you email me your gmail address? I had to take my blog private- it sucks. My gmail address is just my full name @ gmail.com
You don't have to buy any new clothes now. Congrats on pretty girl #3. And that video of Holly is hilarious. It could beat out some on YouTube. You should send it to who ever sings that song. I'm sure they would get a kick out of it. The next American Idol!
YEAH! Julie, I didn't even know you were prego again. When are you due? Wow 3 girls, that will be so fun. I love little girls, I'm hoping for a 3rd as well. That was fun to see your girls interact and have so much fun together. I can't wait for Emmy to be old enough to play with Kamaile. Hope you're feeling good.
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