I had to take pictures of Holly's first day of preschool. I was so nervous. I can only imagine how Kindergarten will be. She loved it, didn't care that I wasn't going to be there. Which is great! I asked her what she learned, "Nothing important." Ok then, I'm glad my money is getting good use.
I hate to say this but I love those two hours when Holly is in preschool. It is so much easier going grocery shopping with one kid.
This picture is horrible, it was so windy. But our huge Willow tree fell down during that storm. Which I love because I hated that tree. It's fall all year round here, the leaves and branches never stop. But it will cost us close to 1200 to clean it up and tear the rest of it down. So we might be keeping it this way for awhile.
Julie! I didn't know you were prego! My due date is February 15, so they will be really close! How fun!
Holly is sooo cute! I can't believe she is already in preschool!.... PS My Bundle will be coming this April :)
First off...I can't believe holly is in PRESCHOOL!! Wow julie...time flies...your girls are so stinkin cute. AND your pregnant????? Congrats!! How far along? give me the details...that's so awesome.
Holly looks a lot like you in the 1st picture. She looks so old and her hair is beautiful. What's this about you being pregnant? Congratulations! I sure wish there was an affordable preschool around here. I could use a few hours.
That picture of Holly looks like a shrunken Julie. Pretty cute. Congrats on being pregnant.
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